Kenneth John Halland
The third conductor of the Pretoria Bach Choir

Kenneth Halland was born and bred in Pretoria, and attended Brooklyn Primary and Boys' High Schools. He then went to the University of Stellenbosch and completed an Honours degree in Computer Science, followed by a year at UCT to do a teachers diploma. After a year of high school teaching in Cape Town, he did two years' compulsory military service, in the second of which he returned to Pretoria and has remained here ever since. After his military service, he worked for six years at the CEFT teachers' training college (now called SACTE) and since then has been a lecturer in Computer Science at Unisa, completing his MSc in 1994.
Kenneth holds a first-year course in Harmony and Counterpoint which he completed for interest's sake at Unisa. He has also been involved in a fair amount of informal music-making. Before his teens, he had two years' paino lessons with Jean Schneider. At high school he sang in the school choir and took a year's 'cello lessons with J Wistinetzki. He played 'cello in the Northern Transvaal Youth Orchestra. At the University of Stellenbosch he took oboe lessons for six months with Lazlo Bohr, and 'cello lessons with Elana Steyn. In Cape Town he sang in the UCT choir for a year, and in the Waldorf School community choir which performed a Haydn Mass in St.George's Cathederal. During his military service, Kenneth learnt and played the Tuba in the Infantry School's brass band. While working at CEFT, he sang in the college choir. Over the years, he has played the 'cello in a number of social ensembles. Those of which he organised, often required him to make arrangements for the instruments at his disposal.
Kenneth has been singing in the Pretoria Bach Choir since 1995, under both Bruno Peyer and Aart Bosua. For two years of these he sang simultaneously in the Bach Choir and in the Pretoria Oratorio choir under Henning Wagner. He has a great love for the music of Bach.